The School Day



School starts: 8.50am

Break time: 10:30-10.45am

Lunch time 12.30-1.15pm

Finish time 3.15pm



School starts: 8:50am

Morning Break: 10.30-10.45am

Finish time 12.25pm



In the event of a parent/ named adult not collecting their child at the end of the day the school’s procedure is as follows

  • the child is asked to wait at the main reception in the foyer
  • the school will contact the parent or the emergency contacts listed in the pupil’s school record (these contacts are the only adults to which the school is able to hand over the uncollected child)
  • if these attempts to have the child collected fail then Children’s Services will be called and will assume responsibility for the child until the parent can be located
  • if you are collecting your child from the main reception by the school office, you will be asked to sign them out


In addition

  • if your list of emergency contacts changes please inform the school
  • it is acceptable to write a list of other parents with whom you have an agreement to collect your child after school should you be late – please give this to the class teacher
  • if your child attends after school club or their arrangements for the end of the day change, please give a letter to the teacher

Sometimes other parents offer to take the child.  Although this is always offered in the spirit of goodwill and seems a sensible solution, the school cannot allow this unless the parent has given their permission.  School staff will always ask the office to check the emergency contact list and will not allow you to help in this way unless they have the parent’s permission.  Please do not ask school staff to allow you to take another parent’s child.


Bikes and Scooters

If your child comes to school by bike or scooter, these should be parked in the bike and scooter bays in the playground. All users of bikes and scooters (including skate boards etc) MUST walk their wheels in the school playground. This is to minimise the risk of smaller children being hurt. 



If you know in advance that your child will not be attending school, a letter should be sent to the class teacher to communicate the reason for the child’s absence.

In cases of emergency or short notice, please phone the school office in the morning on 0131 271 4675 to report your child’s absence.

If your child is leaving early, please inform the class teacher which adult will be collecting them and at what time.

If the arrangements for your child going home change, please inform the class teacher or the school office.

Pupils going home early should be collected from the school office. You will be asked to sign your child out at the office. If your child is late, please bring them into school through the main entrance. 

You will receive a phone call from the school office asking for an explanation if you have not called the school. This is Midlothian Council’s policy that has been implemented for the safety of children.