It’s All About Me!

P6 are learning all about themselves this term!


During the coming term we will be focusing, as a whole school, on developing our questioning and higher order thinking skills. We will develop these skills across the curriculum. In particular we have already been applying and growing these skills during our bug club reading and our talking and listening experiences as we learn about equal rights.


We will be finding out about our changing bodies and as we begin to understand the changes that occur we will learn how to best prepare and look after ourselves. We will investigate our physical health and wellbeing as well as or emotional and mental health and wellbeing. As we learn about ourselves we will also be finding out how to maintain healthy relationships with our peers and families. We will familiarise ourselves with the people in our lives that we can use for support and guidance.


We recognise now that we are becoming more independent but as we become more independent we need to be more able to keep ourselves safe. Going forward we will be learning about how to keep ourselves safe, both in public and on the internet.


As well as learning about ourselves we will be experiencing our local environment, and building an understanding of the processes involved in where our food comes and the processes involved. We will be visiting Dalkeith Country Park to take part in a ‘Food and Farming’ learning experience.


It will be an exciting term for us!

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

Primary 5, 6 and 7 are excited to announce that Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat is their Interdisciplinary Learning Theme this term. They will be learning and applying skills across the curriculum from Expressive Arts through to Literacy and Numeracy! Watch this space for future updates of our Learning!

Performances take place on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th March 2015


Go, go, go Joe!