Primary One’s Learning

Growing Up

This term Primary One will be learning about Growing Up. We have been discussing what we would like to be when we grow up and how the skills we learn in school will help us to achieve this. Primary One have looked at the milestones in our lives, working cooperatively to compare and record the differences. We have linked our topic to our learning in Science where we developed our understanding of the human life cycle. Primary One are also looking at the development of our skeleton and the ways in which our muscles work and how this changes during our lives. We have enjoyed locating the different type of joints in our bodies and how these work to help us move, comparing the movement to different points in the human life cycle. Our next step is to transfer our learning of the human life cycle and apply it into learning about the life cycle of different animals.


Primary One will be developing their literacy skills even further this term. We will be working with our Primary Five Reading Buddies to develop our questioning skills and fluency in reading, we will beĀ using an online interactive resource to help us develop our comprehension skills as well as continuing to work effectively in class in our literacy stations. This term our focus in writing is on our use of connectives to develop our sentencesĀ . Primary One will also have opportunity to self and peer assess the correct use of punctuation in their writing. We are furthering our spelling and blending skills by looking at and applying different spelling rules.