COVID-19 P7-S1 Transition

We recognise the need for children and young people to be well supported as they move into school, through school and beyond school. Effective partnership working, tracking of progress and robust record keeping are essential to support continuity in learning at points of transition.  Mrs Henderson is continuing to work closely with St David’s High School to share key information about your child and their learning needs. Continuity is crucial to maximising our pupil’s successes. We are working hard with our feeder primaries and St David’s High school to ensure a robust and quality transition programme can be delivered during the COVID-19 outbreak. We will be in touch soon to confirm what this will look like.

Many thanks for your patience at this time. 

Midlothian Council P7 to S1 Transition Statement

Our secondary and primary schools have been working on P7/S1 transition throughout the 2019/2020 session.  However, with the ongoing Covid-19 situation all schools are working to adapt plans to best meet the needs of our young people and families.

The central principle that our schools are working from is that all transition activities must comply with public health advice to ensure all young people, staff and parents/carers are safe.

Midlothian Council recognises that schools are different however, the following outcomes for P7 Pupils and Parents serve as a consistent ‘Midlothian Guarantee’ for all of our P7/S1 Transition programmes.   All schools are working towards delivering the following outcomes

  • All primary schools will plan a P7 Leavers Event that will take place, subject to public health advice (notionally at some point between June and September)
  • All secondary schools will create staged intervention programme(s) for ‘vulnerable’ students, sometimes known as Enhanced Transition; this could include ‘virtual/remote’’ and ‘in person’ experiences
  • All secondary schools will create the equivalent of a 2 day virtual transition programme for P7 students, complying with agreed dates of 10/06/20 and 11/06/20, focussed on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing
  • All secondary schools will identify a clear and shared two-way communication strategy to address parental questions/concerns, e.g, an easily accessible section on their websites, virtual Information Evening, dedicated transition email address etc.
  • All secondary schools will update P7 parents/carers on school specific plans for transition, on Wednesday 20th May
  • All secondary schools will undertake wellbeing calls/emails to parents/carers of P7 pupils in June
  • All secondary schools will share a ‘3D virtual tour’ of their school on their websites
  • All secondary schools will make clear their dress code expectations and engage with suppliers to facilitate purchase and distribution (likely to be an online process) including support for those families who are experiencing financial challenge
  • Secondary schools will adapt their transition practices from August to place increased emphasis to ensure P7s are welcomed and Covid-19 related wellbeing issues are identified and supported through a range of appropriate interventions, e.g., this may include ‘buddying’ systems, key support staff on hand to offer support and guidance and regular communication with families.

Transitions for pupils with Complex Needs will follow a similar format to that outlined above. In addition to this pupils accessing any of the Midlothian Complex Needs Provision will have a bespoke individualised program tailored to each pupil’s specific needs. This will include continued direct contact between the Principal Teacher and families throughout the summer term.


Additional Sources of further information and support

Free School Meal and Clothing Grants

Transitioning to secondary school

Educational Psychological Services