Primary 7 Triops
Christin and Robert have a big secret. Primary 7 has a class pet! The pet is not a hamster or a guinea pig; it is even better. It’s a type of shrimp called a ‘Triop’, which comes from the group ‘longicaudatus’ and is great for observing for science.
Triops shed their exoskeleton several times a year which you can take out the tank and keep or just let them eat it – yum yum.
It all started when we had an idea, we wanted to learn new things and we thought “How about a class pet of some kind, we can’t have a hamster or anything like that…” then it came to us: Triops. Robert had hatched them at home and was very fascinated with them and Christin wanted to find out more about them.
It started with us going to Mr Currie with our heads held high to pitch our idea to get primary 7 a class pet. Then, after a lot of perseverance we finally got a yes to getting Class Triops.
It has now been about 2 weeks and he is doing great he should be laying eggs soon which we can give another class to use next year.