Saint David’s Primary School and the Community it Serves
St. David’s is situated on the south side of Dalkeith in Kippielaw Playing Fields. It is a one-stream co-educational Roman Catholic Primary School for children of primary school age with a catchment area that includes not only Dalkeith but also Eskbank, King’s Lines, Danderhall, Pathhead and surrounding areas.
Pupils are accommodated in a purpose-built, semi open-plan school. The building contains seven class bases, wet areas, a general-purpose room, school hall and Library and outdoor learning areas with extensive school grounds utilised for both curricular and extra-curricular activities.
There is, at present, nine teachers, including: Head Teacher, Mr Currie; Principal Teacher, Miss Chidgey, Support for Learning teacher, Mrs Lumbard and visiting teachers of physical education, music and French as well as instructors of brass and violin and an English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assistant.
The school also employs the support of an administrative assistant, four Learning Assistants, breakfast club and dining room supervisors, playground supervisors and site supervisor. Cleaning and catering are contracted to the region’s in-house’ service organisations. A crossing patrolperson operates at the entrance to the school on Lauder Road and there are various other crossing patrol points which serve the school along Lauder Road.
St. David’s has an extensive programme of support and extra-curricular activity before school, during lunchtime break and after school through, for example, morning Breakfast Club and activities such as football, rugby, basketball, gardening club, Masterchef and ‘Street’ and Hip-Hop Dance to name a few.
We have an excellent working partnership with St. David’s High School, St. David’s Parish, Dalkeith, and the Archdiocese of St. Andrew’s and Edinburgh and often work alongside other local religious organisations and other major world faiths in the Midlothian and Edinburgh areas. Respect and tolerance and the celebration of diversity are integral to our schools’ visions, values and aims.