First Holy Communion

1stcommuniongroups2015 1 1stcommuniongroups2015 2 1stcommuniongroups2015 3 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1hCongratulations to all of the children who received the sacrament of first Holy Communion for the first time. They have now taken the next step in their spiritual journey and are now full members of the church family. May we keep them in our prayers as they continue to grow and spread the word of the Lord.

First Holy Communion

Sacramental ClassPrimary 4 have already successfully prepared for and received the Sacrament of Confirmation earlier this year. Arch Bishop Leo Cushley celebrated the Sacrament in St. David’s Roman Catholic Church alongside Monsignor Chambers. We are now learning about the life of Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice He made for us. This is in preparation for the class making their First Holy Communion in June this year. We ask that you keep all the Sacramental pupils in your prayers as they continue on this spiritual journey.



Primary 4 have been learning all about the weather in French. This term they will use their language skills to create a weather podcast that will be available on twitter each week. They have to identify the correct language to describe the date, area and weather for each podcast.

French Weather


Rock CandyThrough our Science topic we have been learning about different substances and materials and investigating how they can change from solid to liquid to gas. We will be discovering how some substances dissolve and learning about how crystals form through making our very own rock candy.


James and The Giant Peach

James 1James 2James 3Our book study this term is James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. Pupils have been learning to read for information in order to describe the setting and atmosphere. We have used the information to create accurate characters using recycled materials. This term they will continue to read for understanding and learn to justify their opinions using evidence.