Dalkeith Country Park

Dalkeith country park

On Tuesday the 26th of May 2015 P3 and P5 went to Dalkeith Country Park. They went to learn a lot more about farms and farmers.

They learned if you shake milk for 15 minutes it turns into scrambled milk and if you keep shaking it it turns into butter.image

They learned you have to put your hand behind a cows tail so they can milk it.

They learned that beech trees grow very large. They saw a tree getting cut down and they leaned all about the different animals who live in the trees.

They learned about different type of sheep. They learned how to use wool with a spinning wheel and how sheep go to the market!


They liked trees because we learned a lot at the tree station.

They learned how to make flour when they made it in the olden days.

We probably need to work on paying attention more.
They learned you have to put your hand behind a cows tail so they can milk it.

They learned about different type of sheep. They learned how to use wool with a spinning wheel. They went to the sheep market and learned to milk a cow.


They really liked learning about the trees because they felt that they learnt a lot. The classes next step is to do some further research.

Reported by Connie (P5) and Michaella (P3)

Our Learning

This term Primary 5 will be learning about Our Body, Food and Fitness. As a class we have been planning our learning to build on what we already know. Through our Interdisciplinary topic we will be developing our skills in Science, Religious and Moral Education, Health and Well Being, Technologies and Literacy and applying these skills across the curriculum. We will be developing our fitness through daily P.E lessons and learning about how we can sustain exercise through our lives. We will be learning about healthy eating and how we can build and cook healthy meals. We are also going to plant and grow our own vegetables! We will be learning about our bodies and the impact that our lifestyle can have on our body and how our body changes as we grow. We have planned a trip to Dalkeith Country Park to learn more out where our food comes from at the Food and Farming Event.

We will be learning how to use Higher Order Thinking Skills through our class Novel ‘The Butterfly Lion’. We will be learning to recognise, answer and create our own lower and higher order thinking questions. We will be developing our individual reading skills through Bug Club which we can access on any electronic device!

In Numeracy and Maths we will be consolidating our mental strategies for the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also be learning the formal written strategies and applying these strategies to help us solve different problems. In Maths we will be learning about Time, Shape and Measure and applying these skills in a real life context.

We are very excited for our final term in Primary 5 and preparing ourselves for the transition into Primary 6! We will keep you up to date on our learning journey so check back soon!!

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

Primary 5, 6 and 7 are excited to announce that Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat is their Interdisciplinary Learning Theme this term. They will be learning and applying skills across the curriculum from Expressive Arts through to Literacy and Numeracy! Watch this space for future updates of our Learning!

Performances take place on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th March 2015


Go, go, go Joe!